Saturday, January 26, 2008

A DBA Degree Program Is A Necessity To Keep Your Business Afloat

Nowadays, companies store almost all of their pertinent information in databases that run from personal computers. Over are the days of giant folders, scattered all over the office. Also, with a proper DBA degree program, the days of not being able to find the exact information you are looking for could also be over. Although creating and maintaining a successful database does not require an immense amount of knowledge, there are certain things that you absolutely must know.

A proper DBA degree program will give you all of the information that you could ever possibly need for proper database administration. This includes everything from constructing the database from scratch, to entering all of the pertinent information as well as the maintenance of the database. However, a DBA degree program might not be a great idea if you already don't have some sort of interest and experience with computers. Although someone with a computer background may have a fairly easy time with this program, someone with no computer knowledge at all would most likely find it to be difficult.

There are also a varied amount of classes that you can take, so that you can gear your learning curve one way or another. Database administration is a very vast field that has many aspects, so you won't be able to learn everything just from one program. Since databases are constantly changing, there will always be new information that you will need to uncover and understand. Therefore, even after you have completed your DBA degree program, you will not be finished learning. You will have to keep yourself up to date on all of the new developments as well as all of the new software. The IT community is always developing new ideas, so it is up to you to keep up with all of the current trends of the market in order to become a successful database administrator.

If you complete a DBA degree program, you will instantly make yourself a more valuable employee and therefore be able to garner a higher salary. There is barely a company around anymore, big or small that doesn't require a working and reliable database. Also, along with that database, most companies need a proven database administrator in order to maintain the database and ensure that it doesn't crash. Also, the information must be entered in such a manner that only a certified database administrator would be qualified to do it. If you have just anyone running and maintaining your database, then you might run into problems such as having the information entered incorrectly or not on the correct page. Also, there is a bigger chance of the database failing and you not having the qualified person to fix the problem.

A DBA degree program is almost a necessity when it comes to working with a database, due to the fact that they are continually being changed and improved. Therefore, someone with limited training will simply not be able to keep up with all of the rapid changes which will ultimately cost your company both time and money, in lost hours of productivity.

So if you want all of your information to be secure and properly stored, it is compulsory to enroll in a DBA degree program or assign someone from your staff to enroll in the course themselves. A qualified database administrator is a necessity in almost every type of business, so you might as well have someone who knows what they are doing at the helm of all of your pertinent information.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College offers a professional dba Degree program. Please visit Virginia College at to learn more about obtaining a Database Administration and Design Degree.Sharna Blog60805
Sharron Blog36247

Finding Answers To One Of The Tough Parenting Questions All Parents Worry About

If you are a parent in the 21st century, it is not possible to stay unaffected about sex education and your children. There is a lot of sex and sex related material and scenes that the child is constantly exposed to from a very tender age. Sooner or later, he or she becomes curious and seeks answers to questions relating sex, their own existence and the correlation of animals birth rituals and their own.

A Critical Parenting Question Talking about Sex

This is one parenting question that has bothered parents from time immemorial. This is because when you try to explain how children are made, you know that the child will conjure a picture of you and your partner having sex. However, it is true that sex-education should be imparted to the children from a very tender age. What exactly should that tender age be is a controversial parenting question, but some think it should start as early as the child is aware about his body parts.

Sex education is not always about sex. It is, in most cases, about bringing about awareness that the body is sacred and that it totally belongs to the child. Once this basic concept is instilled, then sex education has a solid platform/ foundation to build upon. As the child grows, the function of each part of the body should be explained in simple terms. The aim of this exercise should be to make the child comfortable with the parts of the body and internalize that there is no such thing as shameful parts.

You will find that the most common parenting question here is on how to teach the child about the right and wrong touch. This is one parenting question, which is indeed critical to answer. Research says that children are born with an alarm that usually goes off when things begin to go wrong. What parents should teach their child is to listen to that alarm, and take immediate action when it goes off.

Children are basically shy and respectful of adults. Hence, unless so taught, they might not raise an alarm even when they feel there is something very wrong in the way they are handled. By letting them know that it is not only okay to talk to your parents about anything, it is highly recommended and something that will make their parents be able to ward off the danger and keep them safe.

Ann Merier a prolific writer has written many articles about family health and house and garden Topics. http://parentingtips.ultimatehealthinfo.comShoshana Blog8053
Sonni Blog5393

Detroit Schools Has A Difficult Start To The 2006-2007 School Year

Detroit Schools Teachers Delay School Starts with Strike

There has been a slow and turbulent start to the Detroit Schools new school year. In a battle over contracts, some 7,000 teachers and 2,000 staff members refused to start school in September. These contract disagreements lead finally to a court battle. The contract disagreement began on August 28 after the Teachers Union rejected a two year contract that included salary cuts of 5% and increased health insurance co-payments. Detroit Schools wants an $88 million concession from the Detroit Schools Teachers Union to help with the $105 million deficit to its $1.36 billion budget.

On September 16, Detroit Circuit Court Judge Susan Borman ordered that the 7,000 striking Detroit Schools teachers return to work. After this order, Detroit Teachers Union president Janna Garrison read the order aloud to 3,000 Detroit Federation of Teachers members but did not comment or give any instructions as to whether the order should be obeyed. The vast majority of the teachers did not return to work.

Detroit Schools spokesman Lekan Oguntoyinbo stated that under state law teachers who defied the order could face penalties which include fines and other actions. Oguntoyinbo said that Detroit Schools would go back to the courts and request that the order be enforce. As of the 18th of September, teachers had not returned and Detroit Schools has not decided what action it would take.

On the official first day of school, the 130,000 students in the Detroit Schools were greeted by their teachers not in the classroom but protesting outside. The picketing teachers were most of the teachers, only about 9% of Detroit Schools had returned to work. The Detroit Schools Board of Education worried that the strike would cause students to pull out of the Detroit schools and that their families will leave the city, however most parents support the teachers.

Detroit Schools Teachers Return to Work

Even though the contract issues have not been fully resolved but the Teachers Union has announced that the teachers returned to work on September 20. This was mainly due to pressures from the court and not due to reconciliation between the Detroit Schools and the teachers.

Many Union members, parents and other supporters of the teachers do not want the issue to remain tabled. These supporters want the Detroit Schools system revised. They claim the administration is top heavy and each position should be justified in some way. Others want the Detroit Schools to consider the consolidation of schools. This idea has fewer supporters because it would involve school closures that would greatly affect parents and neighborhoods. Even though this would be the most drastic of the possible ways to change the Detroit Schools, it may be the most cost effective. Like all issues there are many sides. Some wish the Detroit Schools top be run more like a business, which would include offering teacher buyouts, others believe education should be the main focus no matter what the costs.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Detroit schools visit Blog48291
Shelby Blog83558

Buying a New Home, Paying For College and Starting a New Business Has Never Been So Easy!

A Government Grant is an aid program specially designed for helping those who have financial difficulties and cannot achieve, due to lack of finance, certain goals the government is interested to promote.

Government Grants Explained

Though there are many different government grants for a lot of purposes, as noted in the first paragraph, most of them concentrate on three goals: Helping people start their new business, helping people pay their way through school or college and helping people buy their first home.

Grants are provided by government agencies all over the country and at all levels of administration: There are Federal Government Grants, State Government Grants and Local Government Grants.

Each agency has its own requirements and though qualification is not as difficult as it may seem, the truth is that you need to be informed in order to successfully apply for a Government Grant without fear of being declined.

Grants amounts range from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. As the loan amount gets higher, it becomes increasingly difficult to qualify for. So you ought to know the requirements beforehand and apply as early as possible. It is known that most Government Grants are granted on a first arrived, first served basis, so timing is a very important issue not to be bypassed.

The smartest thing to do is, by analyzing grants requirements, to select the Government Grant you are best qualified for and concentrate on applying to it. There are certain grants restricted to citizens of certain states or towns. Others are restricted for those working on certain fields or for those coming from certain economic conditions.

Government Grants Purposes

The main help grants provide is focus on aiding those who want to buy a new house or rent. Real State agents are fully aware of these programs and should be questioned about them when their services are hired. Most applicants qualify for this kind of aid though they usually ignore it, so dont hesitate to ask your realtor about the government grant programs and ask them for help. Your real estate agent is more than capable of helping you fill all the paperwork so you can effectively apply for Government Grant.

Another use of Government Grants is paying for college. College fees have increased over the years and it has become increasingly difficult to afford college education, especially for those whose income has remained untouched. There are mainly federal grants and loans for those starting college and some, but not many, specific estate grants available too.

When it comes to starting a new business, government grants are of a great help for those who are working in a field the government is especially interested to develop. Government grants are mainly destined in this case to acquire machinery, supplies, pay for salaries for a certain period of time, etc. Generally speaking business government grants provide the finance needed for a business to get started and become independent. There are also grants for helping undertake international business transactions.

Do Your Research

Should you decide to apply for a Government Grant, there is a lot of information on the internet. Take your time to do a thorough research, take note of those grants you think you qualify for and contact the agencies to get further information and all the documentation you need to fill. If time is an issue there are some sites that provide access to all this information without having to search all over the net. They usually charge a small fee though, but worth every cent since youll be saving time and money.

Bryan Quinn is a financial advisor with more than thirty years of experience in the field of finance who aids people undergoing financial problems and helps them obtain personal loans, home loans, student loans and grants, consolidation loans, car loans and many other financial products regardless of their credit situation. For more smart tips on Home Loans you can visit and also learn more about other financial options.Shani Blog69271
Silvie Blog46061

How to Choose Aspergers Schools

Choosing the right school for any child can be stressful; finding one for your child with Aspergers can be almost too frightening. Every child deserves a good education and the law provides that children with disabilities such as Aspergers be educated with teachers trained in handling such disabilities in practice; however, finding good teachers isn't always easy.

Parents must decide whether or not their child will be best managed in a mainstream school, with a high rate of contact with mainstream children, or in a special or residential school, where the chances of the child coming in contact with mainstream children is considerably less. Special and residential schools may have better educational programs for autistic children but may not provide enough positive role models of more normal' behaviors. Some people also feel that special schools can encourage kids to mimic other children with similar problems.

For most children with Aspergers I would consider that as a basic "rule of thumb" mainstream schools with support will be the best option for your child's long term progression. This is because for children with Aspergers the main issue is not one of cognition, learning or understanding it is more the case of challenges with social situations. So the child is best if supported well in an environment where typical peers for the rest of his life (i.e. the general population) are around. Because obviously the much more "artificial world" of special schools and communities does not prepare children as well for the general community. But I must stress this is a "rule of thumb" as there are certain institutions and certain individual cases where this much more specialized approach would be beneficial.

Choosing the exact right school most definitely needs a visit to the school and a talk with the teachers who will be teaching your child. Before such a visit it is essential to have considered your own fears and thoughts about the school experience for your child. Even more importantly the thoughts and feelings of your child with Aspergers. What questions do they have, what do they want to know more about. You can draw up a list of questions between you that you can take along and ask of the staff at the school.

Some of these questions may include: - How integrated will the child be in the classroom? - What techniques are used to support pupils if they are struggling to cope and about to go into "melt down"? - What is the plan for reducing arousal if necessary? - Will your child be well taught both theoretically and practically about coping and living in the community with others?

Your child may want to know how teachers will talk to him, what the other pupils will be like, what subjects and classes he will be in etc. Some of your choice in relation to schools will depend on the degree of Aspergers your child has and his or her age. Younger children will need very small class sizes with early education so that, when the child reaches school age, he or she may be more integrated into the classroom.

The right' school understands Aspergers and has methods in place for teaching children with Aspergers. They carry a positive attitude about Aspergers and place expectations on your child for progress, in whatever way it occurs, in the school setting. The greater is the likelihood that you'll feel your child's needs are being addressed and that he/she will have a chance to improve along with learning important social skills from other children.

But once you have chosen the right school this is only really the beginning as you then need to work closely with the teachers to ensure that they know all about your child. They may well know about Autism and Aspergers. But they won't know about your individual child. It is your job to be an advocate for your child and teach the school what they need to know.

So to summarize this article on choosing a school the major decision for parents is mainstream V special school. Beyond this the child and parents must visit the schools with pre-prepared questions to help make their decision. Then once the child is at school it is essential for the parent to educate the school staff further about the child.

Dave Angel is a social worker with families who have children on the Autistic Spectrum and is the author of a new e-book that answers the 46 most asked questions by parents of children with Aspergers. To claim your free 7 day Mini-Course for parents of children with Aspergers Syndrome visit today.Sibby Blog98763
Sonia Blog77547

Indianapolis Schools Attend National Meetings and Competitions While Making Improvements for the Next School Year

Students from Indianapolis Schools to Compete in African American History Challenge

Students from three Indianapolis middle schools will compete in the African American History Challenge held June 7-11 in Atlanta, Ga. The team is composed of Kenneth Rush from Crispus Attucks Middle School, Gordon Jackson of Park Tudor and Adrian Wynn of Craig Middle School. The team has trained for the event with Co-Chairs Pat Payne, of the Indianapolis Schools, and Kevin Davenport, 100 Black Men of Indianapolis. The African American History Challenge is an educational, scholastic program designed to encourage the study of African and African American history. The students in the program have been working to recognize the importance of history in the world, to seek truth in the study of history and identify when textbooks do not accurately reflected the contributions of people of African descent. The main source of study used in preparation for the national competition was "Before the Mayflower," authored by historian Lerone Bennett. The students have been preparing for the competition since early October, meeting every Saturday morning from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Indianapolis Schools Multicultural Center.

Northwest High School Will Offer International Baccalaureate Program

Indianapolis School students will have the opportunity to enroll in the International Baccalaureate curriculum. Starting this fall, the rigorous International Baccalaureate curriculum will be introduced at Northwest High School. The Indianapolis School District wide magnet International Baccalaureate program was formally approved on May 15, 2006. The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), a non-profit educational group based in Geneva, Switzerland approved the offering of the program at Northwest High School after the school completed a two year application procedure. The application process included training and professional development of all Northwest teachers and school staff, site visits to other schools with programs, before an official application was submitted in June 2005. An International Baccalaureate site team spent two days last fall visiting the school and interviewing staff, students and teachers. The International Baccalaureate is currently offered in only seven schools in the state of Indiana. The International Baccalaureate follows a very tough curriculum of study. It includes tough pre-college workloads in such traditional areas of study as math, foreign language, history, science and the arts. Students who are eligible for the program will be required to write an extended essay and be expected to participate in 150 hours of community service that has been initiated by the student. All of the International Baccalaureate programs in Indiana are at the high school level. Indianapolis School Districts Center for Inquiry is currently in the certification process to offer an elementary and middle grades International Baccalaureate academic program.

This will give the more urban students in Indianapolis Schools the chance to rise to the challenges of this world-renowned curriculum. The tougher curriculum will result in higher expectations for student achievement and a strong academic focus. The accelerated program is intended to help foster the small schools curriculum design being used at Northwest High School. The high school currently has four small academies organized by academic and career themes all on one campus.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Sharna Blog60805
Shaylyn Blog78269

Three Houston Schools in Trouble Public Upset Over Possible Closings

Three Houston schools have been persistently rated as unsatisfactory by state guidelines for three or more years. As with most school closing warnings across the nation, the parents, community, and elected officials with a political stake in the area are up in arms over the possibility.

Though parents want their children to attend schools within their own neighborhood, I believe the community must look at the cost of keeping these three schools open the students are failing, unable to meet the bare minimum requirements of the state! With their futures at risk, I would think that parents would want their children at better performing schools.

The Houston schools ratings are based on statewide student achievement tests and the overall dropout and graduation rates of each school. If a proposed policy by the Texas Education Agency is adopted, then the state education commissioner will be able to close in the near future any school that is rated unsatisfactory for four consecutive years. Thus, Houston schools Superintendent Dr. Abelardo Saavedra is only preparing the public, in case the schools do not gain a satisfactory rating at the end of the 2006-2007 school year.

In 2005, Saavedra warned that Kashmere High School, Sam Houston High School, and McReynolds Middle School needed to improve their ratings or drastic measures would be taken. Privatization of the schools was mentioned then

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Serene Blog12594
Sue Elle Blog10346

Choosing To Earn A Criminal Justice Degree Online

One of the most overriding instincts in human nature is the desire to make a difference in the world. Just about everyone has the urge to positively influence their surroundings for the benefit of society. Many people choose to perform this service in the field of criminal justice. Individuals with the drive and ambition for this type of work can be seen in many arenas. Some are police officers, others are attorneys with special training in the criminal justice field, and still others benefit society by serving as probation officers hard at work to assist ex offenders in starting their new lives.

The desire to change the course of a chosen career isnt unusual in todays employment climate. More and more people are choosing to reroute the path of their lives and for those interested in criminal justice the way to go is to obtain a criminal justice degree online. There are many advantages to deciding to go for a degree in this manner. Studying online makes it possible for the student to further their education without the need to rearrange their entire work, family, and social schedules. Most criminal justice degree online programs are geared to be a study at your own pace curriculum. These types of programs are usually more affordable in terms of tuition and books as well. All of these benefits add up to create a better environment for the student to reach their goals and be ready to assist in making the world a better place with their criminal justice degree.

Like with any major decision, choosing which institution to study with should be a decision made with all of the facts checked out. The first thing to do is to be sure the school is accredited and any degree awarded from it is viable to employers. An easy way to do this is to check with the Better Business Bureau and companies and organizations that consistently hire people with criminal justice degrees. Look closely at the classes offered and at the tuition rate. Choosing to obtain a criminal justice degree online is an investment in your future and should be given your full attention before blindly signing on the dotted line. Most online educational institutions are legitimate, but it is important to do your homework first.

Receiving a criminal justice degree online prepares the graduate for several key functions in their new career. Criminal justice majors learn to be involved in a wide variety of services in the justice world. They are taught to be involved with supervision duties like probation, and assist in the incarceration system. Students are also taught to effectively interact with police at the apprehension level and to work closely with the prosecution. Newly degreed criminal justice professionals will need to learn quickly, communicate well, and have well honed problem solving skills to be successful. The ability to work well in a team environment is also helpful.

A career in the criminal justice field is rewarding in many ways. The graduate has a large range of opportunities open to them. Social service, working to protect the population, and personal enrichment are just a few of the benefits professionals in this field cite as reasons to work in this service. There are never enough caring, well trained people in this challenging field. A criminal justice degree online program is an excellent way to be prepared for the trials and rigors of your new career, all without sacrificing your current way of life. Taking advantage of this unique educational tool will have you well prepared for your new life and lead to exciting opportunities in the criminal justice field.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Criminal Justice Degree online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Shaylyn Blog61217
Sidonnie Blog44941

Most Lawyers End Up Dead Broke

The public perception of lawyers is that they make a lot of money each year and are very wealthy.

Isn't it common knowledge that they all drive expensive foreign cars, are members of exclusive country clubs and wear expensive suits? I mean after all... anyone who is raking in $150...$250...$350...or even $500 per hour has got to be loaded. Don't you think?

The reality is most lawyers end up dead broke. Surprised? I'm not. Especially when you consider the fact that most attorneys have no clue when it comes to making money, managing it and keeping it.


Because, no one ever taught them how.

They all went to college... then graduated from law school and headed directly into a law firm to practice law. This seems pretty straightforward, doesn't it? I mean, it's kind of what you would expect them to do

The challenge is... that in those 7-years of advanced education (4 in college and 3 in law school) they were never taught how to look out for themselves financially. Instead they were learning how to help you and me. This is great for us...but in the process they short-changed themselves and their families.

Most lawyers are working long hours (55+ per week), often including weekends.


The reality of those high hourly rates they charge is this...very little of those rates trickle down to them- like maybe 10-15%. The majority goes to paying overhead. Which even is a tiny solo practice can be high when you include the costs of rent, malpractice insurance, phones, computers and software, advertising, secretarial, research library, paralegals, accounting, billing, and collections... and it goes on and on.

On top of all that, you can throw in clients who are completely unappreciative of their lawyer's work and then to add insult to injury...lawyers deal with clients don't pay their bills on time or at all. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse to practice as a have to deal with the endless issue of cash flow or lack of it.

Is it any wonder that all lawyers don't end up dead broke?

If you think you may be headed down this road...Do Something about it today! It doesn't have to be this way.

Jack McDonough is a speaker, author and consultant to attorneys who desire to make more money while working less hours. Jack is President of US Tax Marketing Corp. http://www.ustax.comSilvie Blog71272
Sher Blog14450

Buying a New Home, Paying For College and Starting a New Business Has Never Been So Easy!

A Government Grant is an aid program specially designed for helping those who have financial difficulties and cannot achieve, due to lack of finance, certain goals the government is interested to promote.

Government Grants Explained

Though there are many different government grants for a lot of purposes, as noted in the first paragraph, most of them concentrate on three goals: Helping people start their new business, helping people pay their way through school or college and helping people buy their first home.

Grants are provided by government agencies all over the country and at all levels of administration: There are Federal Government Grants, State Government Grants and Local Government Grants.

Each agency has its own requirements and though qualification is not as difficult as it may seem, the truth is that you need to be informed in order to successfully apply for a Government Grant without fear of being declined.

Grants amounts range from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. As the loan amount gets higher, it becomes increasingly difficult to qualify for. So you ought to know the requirements beforehand and apply as early as possible. It is known that most Government Grants are granted on a first arrived, first served basis, so timing is a very important issue not to be bypassed.

The smartest thing to do is, by analyzing grants requirements, to select the Government Grant you are best qualified for and concentrate on applying to it. There are certain grants restricted to citizens of certain states or towns. Others are restricted for those working on certain fields or for those coming from certain economic conditions.

Government Grants Purposes

The main help grants provide is focus on aiding those who want to buy a new house or rent. Real State agents are fully aware of these programs and should be questioned about them when their services are hired. Most applicants qualify for this kind of aid though they usually ignore it, so dont hesitate to ask your realtor about the government grant programs and ask them for help. Your real estate agent is more than capable of helping you fill all the paperwork so you can effectively apply for Government Grant.

Another use of Government Grants is paying for college. College fees have increased over the years and it has become increasingly difficult to afford college education, especially for those whose income has remained untouched. There are mainly federal grants and loans for those starting college and some, but not many, specific estate grants available too.

When it comes to starting a new business, government grants are of a great help for those who are working in a field the government is especially interested to develop. Government grants are mainly destined in this case to acquire machinery, supplies, pay for salaries for a certain period of time, etc. Generally speaking business government grants provide the finance needed for a business to get started and become independent. There are also grants for helping undertake international business transactions.

Do Your Research

Should you decide to apply for a Government Grant, there is a lot of information on the internet. Take your time to do a thorough research, take note of those grants you think you qualify for and contact the agencies to get further information and all the documentation you need to fill. If time is an issue there are some sites that provide access to all this information without having to search all over the net. They usually charge a small fee though, but worth every cent since youll be saving time and money.

Bryan Quinn is a financial advisor with more than thirty years of experience in the field of finance who aids people undergoing financial problems and helps them obtain personal loans, home loans, student loans and grants, consolidation loans, car loans and many other financial products regardless of their credit situation. For more smart tips on Home Loans you can visit and also learn more about other financial options.Shandy Blog19166
Shani Blog69271

How To Make Learning A Pleasure : A Guide For Teachers

The main problem faced by todays teacher is that they feel students are loosing interest in studies. If we look from the students perspective then students feel that whatever is taught to them in schools is boring. Being a teacher, I faced these problems and tried to solve them. Based on my experiences, some of the solutions to increase interest and curiosity in students towards studies are:

1. In a class of 30-40 students there may be more than 20-25 hobbies now the teachers job is to correlate these hobbies with their studies. Suppose a student has a hobby of collecting stamps. The History teacher can ask the students to bring all stamps with Famous personalities printed on it and with the help of these stamps, the lesson can be made interesting. Other student may like something else that can make our classroom teaching well.

2. What would happen if .. For example a science teacher while teaching about sun and universe can ask what would happen if these will be no nights/days. Let student give different answers and write all of them point wise on the Board. This will develop imagination and creativity among students and they will learn importance of the rotation of earth and the functioning of solar system.

3. Generally a few students leads group discussion and others remain quite. This tendency create inferiority complex among those who did not participated in discussion. We know that all students are not equally skilled. Therefore it is better to make 4-5 groups in the class have almost same level of communication skill. This division is good only not for slow learners but also effective for the high achievers.

4. Boring theory classes make student dull and inactive. Suppose a teaching about germination of seeds and reproduction in plants. The best way to teach this concept is to assign students some task such as they may be instructed to put same grains in a wet cotton cloth and observe after 8-12 hours. The student will learn more effectively while doing this.

5. The teacher should not expect correct response from the student, every time. In case, the student unable to give correct response, the teacher must not scold his/her rather than doing this the student must be given some clues/hint and encourage to reach the correct answer.

I have successfully implemented these techniques to make learning a pleasure for my students. The results were encouraging and they inspired me to think more about making the process of learning a joy for students.

Basant Pandey is a teacher and an article writer currently writing for Find more information about the subject at Blog97601
Shane Blog83007

A Comprehensive Review of Filling Medical School Applications

A medical school is an institution that teaches medicine and trains its students into becoming successful medical practitioners. Different medical institutes across the world provides quality education in the theoretical as well as practical aspect of the medical training. Some of the most renowned institutions include the Cincinnati Medical School, Caribbean Medical School, Arizona medical schools, and Mayo Medical School. The entry criteria in all of these medical schools vary considerably, ranging from the eligibility criteria including grades obtained and co-curricular activities undertaken. But with a properly filled out medical school application a medical student can seek admission in various medical schools in Canada and the United States of America.

There are a number of medical school applications through which medical aspirants can seek admissions in different medical schools across the globe. Some of the commonly used application forms that are most sought after for gaining admission in a medical college have been listed below:

* AMCAS - American Medical College Application Service
* AACOMAS - American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service
* TMDSAS - Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service
* OMSAS - The Ontario Medical Schools Application Service

Through the American Medical College Application Service, prospective medical aspirants can seek admissions in different medical schools in Canada and the U.S. The AMCAS is a service regulated by the American Medical Colleges Association. AMCAS acts as a common application among the various medical schools.

The American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service (AACOMAS) offers the medical aspirants a very convenient and centralized medical application service for the recognized medical schools and it is provided online. In this online application service, students can submit one electronic application. After verifying the application, the AACOMAS distributes the information inscribed by the applicants to the different medical schools selected by the students. The admission in an Osteopathic medical school is very competitive and the different schools select their candidates from a very large chunk of the highly qualified students. It is advised to apply very early in order to get your information processed without being delayed.

The Ontario Medical Schools Application Service is a non-profit application service. It is a very convenient and centralized application service for seeking admissions in one of the six Ontario medical schools. They are namely:

* Michael G.DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University
* Queen's University
* Schulich School of Medicine, University of Western Ontario
* University of Ottawa
* University of Toronto
* Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

Hence, those who wish to apply for the Ontario Medical Schools have to submit only one set of information with regards to their qualification and regardless of the number of the medical schools they wish to apply for.

Similarly, for taking admission in a Texas medical and dental school, there is Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service through which applicants can apply to different medical colleges or schools in Texas.

Sandra Stammberger owns and operates Medical School AdmissionsSileas Blog16286
Sophey Blog66588

A New Age In Nursing Education: College Degrees Online

It can be difficult for anyone who works to obtain a college degree or to increase upon their current level of education. This can be especially difficult for those people who are pursing a degree in a nursing field. The attempt to juggle work, classes, family and clinical hours can be overwhelming and discouraging. Advances in technology have now made it a little easier to obtain your degree and reach your goals.

Numerous colleges now offer degrees online, including nursing degrees. The advantages of taking nursing courses over the internet are numerous. With online courses a student can continue to work while attending college, without having to adjust a work schedule around a class schedule. Students no longer have to commute to a campus only to waste more time searching for a place to park. No more paying for a parking permit to park on the campus that you are paying to attend. No more sitting in a classroom for hours each day only to listen to an instructor lecture on the topics that you have already read about. Imagine being able to log onto your class when its convenient for you. These are just a few benefits of obtaining your degree online.

Online nursing courses are not as difficult as one may think. Once classes begin the student will log into their internet classroom. Most college sites will have a list of courses that you are registered in. Clicking on the course name will take you to more information about that particular course. You can locate your syllabus, assignment schedule, contact info for your instructor and classmates, forums and chat rooms to talk to other students, and detailed instructions on how to submit assignments and complete your course. Help is always available from either the instructor or other classmates.

Online college students qualify for the same financial aid as the traditional campus based student. Federal Student Aid, State Student Aid, student loans, scholarships, and grants are all available for application. Federal and State Aid have financial requirements for qualification, but anyone, regardless of income or credit history, qualifies for student loans. Make sure you apply by the due dates for student aid so you dont miss any assistance you might qualify for.

People who are already working in the medical field as a nurses aid, LPN or RN who would like to increase their education and certification usually have even more advantages available to help them succeed. Many healthcare employers now provide tuition reimbursement and/or scholarships to employees who want to expand their education. If you cant afford to pay the tuition and await the reimbursement then consider a student loan than you can repay once you receive your tuition. Contact your human resource department to find out what is available. Another advantage is that many hospitals have set up study groups for online nursing students. This provides nursing students with the advantage of personal interaction with other nursing students of varying education.

To obtain a nursing degree, you may be required to complete clinical hours within a medical and/or hospital setting. You may wonder how you can do this if the college you are taking online courses through is across the country from where you reside. Your instructors will help you set up these clinical hours at a medical facility near your home.

The demand for nurses has risen dramatically and shortages in the nursing field continue to be a problem. With the advent of online nursing classes, more people are able to obtain their degree and provide much needed medical care to the people of your community.

Tabatha Evans is a registered nurse, and a staff writer for She has worked in the healthcare industry for several years, and continues to work while introducing others to a career in nursing. View more work by Tabatha, visit Blog28765
Sheilah Blog1522

Grant Your Self A Better Education For Less

I'm not going to college because I just can't afford it. How many times do we hear those words form worried high school juniors and seniors. It's no wonder they think like that when tuition fees have been rising anywhere between 2% to as much as 26%. Before we all get lost in the Doom and Gloom there is a lot of GOOD news out there, you just have to know where to find it.

There really is an endless amounts of grants, scholarships and loans (those should be your last avenue), there really is no way a student cannot afford to attend college. Most students will be able to meet the following qualifications for a Pell Grant, (financial need), you must be attending a 4-year university you cannot be an inmate at a federal prison. That may well sound crazy but if your child is in a local penal facilities, they can still receive a Pell Grant. Nonetheless, if you meet those requirements, you are also eligible for the Academic Competitiveness Grants and the National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grants.

You must as a high school student, actively participate in math, science, or a language. You can see the curriculum criteria by states at Margaret Spellings, the U.S. Department of Education Secretary, says that the purpose of this program is to involve students in what she calls the global economy of today's world. Math, science and critical foreign language skills are the new currencies.

More than 500,000 students will be receiving these grants throughout the nation which amounts to more than $790 million dollars. The grant payments can be an additional $750 during freshman year; $1,300 during sophomore year; and up to $4,000 during junior and senior year. So lets do some math on the subject, if a student attends a public California university (say UCLA), the tuition fees would be somewhere around $7,000 for an in state student. If that student is granted the $4,000 by their last year, just from the SMART Grant, that leaves $3,000. Now subtract another $1,000 from the Pell Grant itself, and we are left with $2,000 left outstanding to be paid, thats $38.46 per week, not too much for an education.

For those students who have yet to apply for financial aid, visit or call for information on eligibility. And don't worry, these grants are not temporary. The grant amount is said to increase over the next five years.

Carl HamptonShirley Blog86427
Shaylynn Blog12777

Baltimore Schools Lose In Court Ruling Favored Charter Schools

In 2005, City Neighbors and Patterson Park Public, two charter schools in Baltimore, appealed the Baltimore schools per student funding formula to the state board. The board ruled in their favor, and the Baltimore schools appealed the boards decision in the Court of Special Appeals, Marylands second highest court. Early this month, the court ruled in favor of the charter schools, requiring Maryland school systems to spend as much money per student at charter schools as they spend at their traditional schools.

Charter schools are publicly funded, but they operate independently under contracts with local school boards. Of the 24 charter schools in the state of Maryland, 17 are located in the Baltimore schools system.

The Baltimore schools per student funding formula differs between their traditional schools and charter schools. Traditional schools receive the equivalent of approximately $11,000 per student. Charter schools receive $5,859 per student in cash, with the remainder received in services provided to the schools by the Baltimore schools system, such as special education and food. City Neighbors and Patterson Park Public contend that this formula limits their ability to choose how to provide services to their students, and the court agreed.

After the court handed down its ruling, the Baltimore schools board met in executive session, issuing a vaguely worded statement. It reiterated that the Baltimore schools remain a strong supporter of charters schools, but believe the recent court ruling will hurt the traditional schools by imposing a financial hardship on the vast majority of them. The statement further noted that the ruling could result in traditional schools receiving less per student funding than the charter schools. Additionally, the statement said that the board is fully committed to complying with the law, but it leaves open the possibility of an appeal by stating that the Baltimore schools board feels obligated to fully consider its legal options.

After the statement was released, City Neighbors board President Bobbi Macdonald stated that they were not asking for more money, only equity within the Baltimore schools system. City Neighbors attorney Will DuBois underscored the fact that both the state board and the court agreed on a funding model that achieves the parity sought by the two charter schools.

The charter schools hope to meet with the Baltimore schools to discuss the courts ruling. They would like to move forward with the Baltimore schools board toward the interest of all Baltimore schools students. Meanwhile, the Baltimore schools board Chairman Brian D. Morris stated that the Baltimore schools currently is analyzing the financial impact of the courts ruling.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Baltimore schools visit Blog43232
Shell Blog97601

The Problem Of Illiteracy

In general terms, illiteracy is an inability to use language -- an inability to read, write, listen and speak. Today, it is usually taken to mean being unable to read and write at a level adequate for written communication or at a level that will allow an individual to function at certain levels of society. In the simplest of terms, illiteracy is the opposite of literacy.

In some societies, the standards for what constitute literacy are different from others. For example, some cultures believe that only people with skills such as computers skills and basic numeracy may be considered literate. This takes into account the fact that there are people who can add and subtract, but can't read letters as well as people who can learn to use a computer to a limited extent but may still not be able to read text. One example is Scotland, which defines literacy as: "The ability to read and write and use numeracy, to handle information, to express ideas and opinions, to make decisions and solve problems, as family members, workers, citizens and lifelong learners." That's probably as specific as you can get in defininng what literacy is all about.

On a global level, analysts and policy makers consider illiteracy rates as an important factor in a country's or a region's "human capital," and with good good reason, as it turns out. Based on numerous studies into this area, they conclude that literate people are easier and less expensive to train and have broader job opportunities and access to higher education. In Kerala, India, for example, female and child mortality rates declined dramatically in the 1960s, after girls who had been schooled to literacy in the education reforms after 1948 began to raise families. There are recent findings, however, that raise questions on correlations such as the one listed above, arguing that these may have more to do with the effects of schooling rather than literacy in general.

Illiteracy rates are highest among developing countries, especially those in the South Asian, Arab and Sub-Saharan African regions where illiteracy is prevalent among 40 to 50% of populations. The East Asian and Latin American regions also have relatively high illiteracy rates ranging from 10 to 15%. In contrast, the illiteracy rate in developed countries is only a few percent. However, it is important to note that illiteracy rates vary widely from country to country and often are directly proportionate to a country's wealth or urbanization level, although many other factors play a determining role.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog44599
Steffi Blog46090

Orange County Schools Build Civic Education with Disney

If it wasnt a big enough perk to grow up next door to the Magic Kingdom, Orange County high school students are also being sought out by nonprofit organizations in their area. As part of Disneylands 50th anniversary celebrations, high school students from Orange County Schools have the chance to participate in community outreach projects with local nonprofits.

Show Your Character

The Show Your Character competition encourages local nonprofits to design projects that get high school students involved. Beginning in 2004 and continuing through 2006, Orange County nonprofits submit project proposals designed to help local teenagers give back to their community. If selected, the nonprofits are paired with Orange County high school students and given the resources they needed to complete a community service project in their neighborhoods.

Projects for the competition must meet the California curriculum standards for Service Learning Projects. In this way, students earn academic credit while learning valuable skills from nonprofit groups.

A Service Learning Project must meet four basic goals (provided by the Volunteer Center of Orange County, ):

Meet a Real Community Need

In partnership with your organization, students should gain an understanding of how the needs of the community you serve are identified. After developing an understanding of these needs, students will actively participate in a service-learning project designed to effectively meet those needs.

Gain an Understanding of the Connection Between School and Community

Students should develop an understanding of the relationship between the school and the community and the value of school-community partnerships. This will be gained through direct interactions with your organization, staff and/or clients to develop and implement meaningful service activities that meet the needs of both the students and the community you serve.

Develop a Sense of Civic Responsibility

Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of civic responsibility through their participation in this service-learning activity. The project must meet a real community need and improves the quality of life in the community.

Strengthen their Understanding of Core Character Traits and Values

Trustworthiness - Respect - Fairness - Caring - Citizenship

Benefits for Students

In addition to the school credit, participation in the competition also benefits students and their schools in other key ways. Students will gain from an increased awareness of the nonprofits operating in the community. In working with a nonprofit organization, the student will learn about how nonprofit groups help at risk members of the community and see for themselves how they and others can contribute to building their community in a positive way in the future. Participation also qualifies the student to apply for a Disneyland Resort Legacy Scholarship Award. The Disneyland Resort Scholarship Program, called Making Magic Through Community Service, plans to grant $50,000 in scholarships, with a minimum scholarship of $5000 each.

Benefits for Teachers and Schools

Teachers and schools can get in on the action too. In assisting their students to participate in the competition, teachers and schools meet the standards in character education and have the opportunity to build character and civic responsibility in their students. Teachers and students will have the advice of a Disney VoluntEAR Project Leader who is knowledgeable about their nonprofit organization partner as well as the character education curriculum education standards to be met. In addition, teachers and schools will have the expert assistance of the Volunteer Center of Orange County, the California State Regional Lead for Service Learning. There are financial benefits for teachers too, such as earning a Golden Performance Award worth $1000 to further improve the learning environment for their students.

Disneys community outreach programs for Orange County high school students combine learning with public service and specifically address the character education curriculum standards for the state of California. Students in the area have been given the opportunity to learn from Walt Disney that, the greatest moments in life are not concerned with selfish achievement but rather with the things we do for the people in need.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Sharline Blog99228
Sharron Blog25562

Cheating in America, A National Pastime

Look around. Today, more than ever before, it has become fashionable to cheat. One could say, and come away without too much criticism, that everyone expects it. The funny thing is the person who expects it, or observes it, or knows someone who does it, never does it themselves. Ironically, they actually believe they are not infected. As noted, this is a national pastime.

Why is this? Why do husbands cheat on their wives and wives cheat on their husbands? Does not the vow to love, honor, cherish, and "obey", (some leave out the "obey" part now), mean anything. Well, it appears the times indeed are changing.

In America at least, spousal cheating, encouraged by theater, movies, partytime, and yes, peer pressure, is at epidemic proportions. Does anyone feel guilty? Absolutely, just before it is time to maybe do it again. Kids today, as a result, have groups of parents i.e. first there is the real father and mother, then there is 1st father and 1st mother, and 2nd father and 2nd mother, and so on and so forth, not to mention step brothers and step sisters galore. When we talk about extended families today, we are certainly not talking of the family of 50 years ago that included aunts, uncles, and cousins right down to twice removed. Now, there is no way to keep up.

Then there is the work environment. Parents who cheat at home, cheat on the job. They lie and steal to get ahead. Oh, it is not the feloneous type of stealing, although that is always possible, it is the subtle kind -- stealing someones ideas, words, concepts, suggestions, as well as time from the company on the phone, at lunch, leaving early on weekends, calling in sick when one is not sick, and taking paper, pens, pencils, paperclips and anything not to heavy to carry. If one is in construction, they take bricks, boards, mortar and tools. Cheating on the job has taken on national epidemic proportions. Walmart with their 360 degree cameras strung from the ceilings from every store watch the employees as much as they watch the shoppers.

And what about the churches and among clerics, the courts and legal profession, our schools and among the educators, the health field and medical professionals , government at all levels and among the legislators? What do we find? Cheating permeates every level of our society.

And what about the kids? Where do they fit into this?

Over 70% of them admit to cheating before they graduate from high school. By the time they finish college, 80% are willing to admit they have done it in some way.

When college business students are asked what is the most corrupt field to go into, over 90% suggest it is business. Yet, they willingly choose it as their field of specialization because that is "where the money is."

What about the tiny tots? At what age does a child learn to cheat? Studies now show that 3 out of 4 know how to do it by the time they are 5. And where do they learn it from? The parents, of course.

So the old adage, "do as I say, not as I do", really does have a beginning and a significance because it seems most have done it and really do fear their offspring or their charges will do it too. Why? Simply because it is wrong. We all know it. We all feel it, and we all do not want our youngsters or our charges to do it. We really do want them to be better than us. The internal gut wrenching feelings get us every time. And if we don't feel anything? Well then we are psychopaths, socially detached from society and any responsibility for good.

In today's world the word "ethical" has taken on a new meaning of "squeaky clean" and "please look at me or my organization for we are ethical practitioners." Do the new awareness responses mean much when you really know the facts? Lawrence Kholberg's theory of ethical development may be hard pressed to determine why as human beings we seem to be stuck in moving forward. It seems the further we go in greater prosperity and technology development the behinder we get in moral development. Is it an illusion?

Actions speak louder than words. To be ethical, one must act ethically. One has to lead and show by doing and not accept society's drifters who proclaim when observing ethical breeches that "they're just kids" or "everybody does it" or "it was only a fling", or "I had no choice". Unless somebody is holding a gun to one's head, everybody, no matter how small or how old, has a choice. They may not like what the potential outcome may be but they had a choice to do the right thing.

Is it tough? What do you think?

Fred DiUlus, CEO, Global Academy Online, Inc., ( is an e-Education pioneer, author and writer of books and articles on Ethics, Entrepreneurship, eEducation and Success Motivation and a frequent public speaker. He is the founder of the ten year old CEFE, the non profit Center for Ethics in Free Enterprise( and the author of the monthly blog, The Ethics Doc ( Staci Blog65892
Sonnie Blog14679

10 Ways to a Closer Relationship with God

What's your day like so far? Did you have time to enjoy a cup of coffee, eat breakfast, spend some time with your family before they headed out the door? Does the day you are anticipating feel exciting, daunting, boring? What do you plan to do to make it special, inviting, filled with love and grace? We each have the opportunity to welcome God into our lives each day, spend time with God, and tangibly feel God's spirit in our thoughts, conversations and actions. Encouraging ourselves to cherish the pleasure of knowing God in everyday ways is a joy, and recognizing that one simple fact is the basis for creating a closer relationship with God. Here are ten simple ways you can use to start creating a closer relationship with God.

1. Pray - Prayer is simply carrying on a conversation with God, the same way you communicate with anyone else you love. Not sure about that? Consider how you talk with your spouse, your parents, your friends or your children. What do you want to know about them? What do you want them to know about you? Prayer helps you explore your relationship with God. Just like any relationship, learning to know and be known by God takes time - a lifetime. Make time each day to visit with God. Share your thoughts and listen for God's words for you. You may like to keep a prayer journal or dedicate a portion of your existing journal to your visits with God. Not quite sure where to begin? Decide what is important to you and mention it to God. You will always find a listening ear and an open heart. Remember also Jesus' words concerning prayer. "Pray then in this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us to the hour of trial, but rescue us from the evil one (Matthew 6:9-13)."

2. Study - Reading is becoming a lost art, but you can integrate a bit of this wonderful activity into your life in ways that work for you. Newspapers, magazines, devotionals, essays, web articles, novels, short stories, political commentaries, biographies, poetry and the Bible can all shape themselves to fit into the twenty minutes you lie awake in bed before you are ready to fall asleep, or the half hour you spend watching a television show you really don't like that much anyway. Why study? It's a big world that God has created to share with us. While far too easy to stay cloistered in our routines, mental stagnation is the next step into the abyss that drags our spiritual lives right over the cliff. Making the effort to expand your world to include more of God's creation expands your image of God, which makes it a whole lot easier to see God in action. Other ways to incorporate study into your life may be available through your local church's adult education programs, your community college or your local library. Being open to study and learning keeps our minds open to God's presence and purpose.

3. Worship - Praising God, thanking God, giving God your attention is an important part of feeling closer to the One who creates, redeems and sustains us. How and where you choose to worship is personal, sometimes in community and other times in private. Worshipping God, honoring God, connects us to God's ongoing work in the world and refreshes our souls. While worship may have been framed as an obligation, a duty or a task at other times in your life, this may be a good time to rethink worship as a gift to yourself that only God can give.

4. Enjoy Life - "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10)." Jesus' words from John's gospel remind us that life is not a war, a contest or a race. Life is a gift , a pleasure and a journey designed with you in mind. Having been created in God's image, it is time to celebrate. God created us with love and delight, and wants to give us the desires of our hearts. Enjoying life is another way to feel closer to God.

5. Journal - Journaling gives us back our focus, helps us pay attention to the details of life and sort through the muck and mire to get to what really matters. Whether journaling random thoughts, descriptions of daily events, conversations or memories, prayers or feelings, putting pen to paper about our lives and our world puts those experiences into perspective in a way no other activity can. Spending a few minutes a day jotting down your thoughts can also help you see patterns in your life, those that may be causing challenges and those that are nurturing you. Journaling most assuredly can guide you to see and understand how God is working in your life in ways you would not otherwise have noticed. God is in the details, and in journaling, the details will be right in front of you to ponder.

6. Fellowship - Spending time with friends, family and our faith community adds richness and depth to our lives, just as God intended. We were created as individuals, but also for community. Paul's first letter tot he Thessalonian church shares these thoughts: "We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers constantly, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ (I Thessalonians 1:2-3)." We are all in this together, sharing space and sharing our lives. God's gift of fellowship shares the importance of who each of us is and how we each contribute to God's purpose as a whole. Whenever we gather in fellowship, we remember that God is with us, indeed, with all of us.

7. Serve - While fellowship reminds us we are a part of a larger purpose, service is the gift we give to that purpose. What are your favorite things to do? What are you passionate about? Chances are, with prayerful thought, you can find some great ways to share God's loving spirit with those around you in ways that tap into your gifts to serve. serving is giving the best you have to offer to God's community, which is all of us. When we each serve with our individual gifts, god is always there to celebrate with us.

8. Sometimes it is important to stop talking, stop thinking and just listen. Close your eyes, hear what is going on around you, and be wherever you are. Our world is heavily invested in visual images as a means of communication. Taking our focus off this major attention-getter and intentionally placing it in another direction can awaken all of our senses to who God is in our lives. Hearing the wind whistle around your house during a storm, a siren in the distance or a dog barking in your neighbor's yard speaks of God in nature, God's presence in times of need and God's love in a kind companion. Where else can you hear God? Close your eyes and listen.

9. Reflect - Meditation and reflection on your relationship with God will dazzle and delight you! Why? Giving yourself permission to appreciate that God created you, God loves you, God redeems and sustains you every moment of every day of your life is exhilarating. You belong here, nestled in the strength and beauty of God's love because you are a part of God's creation. How does that make you feel? Think about it.

10. Act - "Whether you know it or not, you live by what you believe," is the legacy I was blessed with from my maternal grandmother. Living by what we believe is more than following a routine of rudimentary actions we think make us look like we believe in God. How does God's love inform your life? How does God's grace inspire you to act? Actions sometimes do speak louder than words because actions show us and those around us that we mean what we say.

Cory L. KempSile Blog63992
Stoddard Blog32586

Separated at Birth-But So Different In Life

It was a total surprise when the Doctor told Mary and Jeff that they had twins. Sonograms were not much of an option in 1965. The proud parents decided to name the twin boys Mike and John respectively after their grandfathers. Mike and John were paternal twins and had markedly different persona and appearance. Mike was the more adventurous and John was the quite and the cautious one. Both were good at sports and excelled in school. Both went to college albeit at different schools and graduated in the middle of their class.

Mike majored in marketing with a minor in business. John chose to be an English teacher with a minor in American literature. Both prospered in their chosen fields.

Incredibly, Mike and John chose jobs in the same city as their birthplace and stayed close to their parents. Mike had interviewed with several out of town employers; however, one of the larger advertising agencies was located right in their hometown. One of the partners of the ad agency was familiar with Mike and had a son, whose name was Tom, who had played baseball with Mike in little league and later in high school on a winning baseball program. They had just been beat by a late inning rally of the ninth inning to lose the State Championship by a capital city based team. It was a heartbreaking experience, but the partner of the ad agency had a keen affection for Mike and considered him a gamer with high character traits. Mike had stayed in contact with the partners son Tom and in passing had mentioned upon graduating from college that he was setting up out of town interviews with companies in his chosen field. Tom in passing mentioned this to his father. Upon hearing that, asked Tom to pass along to Mike that they were taking on some new people with a new ad account and were looking for a junior account executive who could bring some juice to the targeted demographic, 18-26 year old bracket. Mike sold himself to the company and was offered the job. Mike took it; it was everything that he was looking for. A job with an opportunity to grow and prosper at an ad agency.

John wanted to stay in the same town. He was trying to get a job at the same high school that he had graduated. John was not able to do that. However, he was able to get a teaching job across town in one the more industrial areas. John loved his teaching job and took on some additional responsibilities as a counselor and later became the basketball coach of the junior varsity team. John was also very active in PTA and cultivated good relations with students and parents. He was thoughtful and careful with his job and his life.

Mike and John had dated and met their future wives in some unique ways. Mike rekindled a high school relationship at the five-year high school reunion. Sandy had been a cheerleader and ran the school paper. Sandy was attending law school and had extended her education and had chosen to sacrifice her social life for the benefit of finishing law school. However, when Mike and Sandy spent a few moments together at the reunion, sparks were flying. After an engagement Mike and Sandy were married. John met his future wife Patty at a church picnic where she had just moved into town and was the new organist. In addition, she taught in the music department at Mike and Johns original high school, which provided an immediate conversational topic. John and Patty were married a year after Mike and Sandy were married.

Years passed. Mike and Sandy had three children with two girls and a boy and were now were contemplating college. Since the kids ages were all pretty close this was going to be a huge financial strain. Mike and Sandy were somewhat oblivious to risk and had from time to time over extended financially. John and Patricia had two kids a boy and a girl. Over the years, they had chosen to live frugally and their kids chose to go to Junior College while both worked part time jobs while passing on student loans opportunities.

No scholarships were forthcoming.

John and Patricia, wanted to take advantage of a lower interest move on their mortgage, their only debt. John always the planner chose to go on He found a past due hospital bill as part of the co-payment that had not been handled. It had been paid and John cleared it up right away. When application was made for their mortgage-John and Patricia got the best rate available. Mike and Sandy, needing immediate cash by refinancing to pay a load of installment debt just applied. Their score came back a lot lower than anticipated by 100 points. So much so, that the only loan they could get was a B/C subprime loan with payments $300 higher at the higher rate. They needed the money and went ahead. John and Patricia carefully planned and checked their credit. Mike and Sandy didnt. Mike or John-which are you? Mike and Sandy had planned on buying an income property and did so resulting in a $700/month net cash/mo.

Dale Rogers

Dale Rogers is a thirty-year mortgage veteran and frequent contributor to the Broken Credit Website Blog. The BCB is a free website created to assist the general public with information about credit repair and responsible mortgage lending. Check out more of his article's at his site at: http://www.brokencredit.comStormy Blog63188
Stacy Blog43232

Improve your Spanish with Telenovelas!

Yes, it's true. One hour a night with a Spanish soap opera can improve your Spanish!

So you studied Spanish in high school, but you can't speak a word of it. Or maybe you spoke Spanish at home with your family, your vocabulary is limited and you're not sure of your grammar. Now you want to improve your Spanish, but the thought of heading into a Spanish classroom makes you cringe. And besides, who has the time?

Don't worry, the solution is right at your fingertips - literally - as you take hold of your TV remote control, your radio dial, your computer keyboard, and a host of books and magazines that you never even dreamed you could read. With just a little background in the language, a Spanish-English dictionary, and the tips below, you can increase your fluency without ever setting foot in a Spanish class. And all at no cost to you!

Not that there's anything wrong with Spanish classes, of course - on the contrary, if you can find a college evening course or an adult school class that fits your schedule, you will improve your Spanish even faster. But these same tips apply even if you're taking a Spanish class, and they will dramatically increase your learning.

The key to learning any language is to immerse yourself in that language as much as possible. Think about how you learned to speak English as a child. You probably listened to English for at least two full years before you started to speak even a few words. But you understood much more than you could say, and eventually you learned how to speak. You had absorbed so much of the language that it started to come out naturally.

So why not re-create this type of immersion environment in your own home, to learn Spanish? You can do it with the most basic resources, at little or no cost to you. And it's not even a chore; it's fun!

Just follow these five easy tips for improving your Spanish on your own:

1. Get hooked on a telenovela.

You might think you should be watching the Spanish news to learn better Spanish. Wrong! When have you ever heard a conversation that sounded like a Dan Rather sentence? And do you want to be able to recite facts or have a conversation? Most of us are learning Spanish so that we can communicate and have conversations with Spanish speakers. Telenovelas are 100% dialogue - pure conversation. The situations are easily understandable (and often funny, either inadvertently or on purpose), and the actors always speak clearly.

Pick a telenovela that is on at a time that's convenient for you and that you can watch every day. And just start watching. Stick with it; eventually you will get to know the characters and their situations. Watching conversations in context will help you understand what's going on, and soon you will be picking up sentences and phrases. Keep a notepad close by to jot down any new words that pique your interest, and look them up later, either online or in your Spanish dictionary.

And don't worry about getting "hooked" forever. Unlike U.S. soap operas, Spanish telenovelas only run about six months, and they actually have an ending.

2. Listen to the music

Shakira, Shakira ... she makes a man want to speak Spanish .... and women too, actually!

How many songs can you sing in languages that you don't speak? Probably more than you realize. How about Frere Jacques? Guantanamera?

Never underestimate the power of music in language learning. Sing along with a song, and you are speaking that language. It doesn't matter if you don't understand the words; you are picking up the rhythm, phrasing and accent of the language. You can figure out the words and the meaning later.

We are fortunate to live in a country in which every major area has one or more Spanish language radio stations. Keep your car radio tuned to one of them. And if you hear a song or an artist that you particularly like, buy it for your mp3 player so that you can listen to it as much as possible. At the same time, download the lyrics from the internet, and use your Spanish dictionary to help you understand the meaning.

3. Read all about it!

Yes, you can read in Spanish. It doesn't matter how little or how much Spanish you have had. Pick up a Spanish language magazine or newspaper and just look it over. Even better, find a magazine or book that relates to your particular interest. All the major bookstores now have a "Libros en Espaol" section, as well as People en Espaol and many other Spanish language magazines and newspapers. Pick out your reading selection, borrow a Spanish-English dictionary if you want, and spend an hour or so in the bookstore's caf with your books, a cafcito, and a willingness to explore.

Here is the most important part: don't worry about the words you don't know. Focus on the words you do know, or can figure out. How many words can you recognize because they look like a word in English? Which ones can you figure out from their context? Can you guess the general meaning of the article? Of the words you don't understand, pick four or that you think are really crucial to the article, and look them up. Then read through the article again. If you want, write your new words down on index cards so you can flip through them later during a free moment.

4. Let's go surfin' now ....

The internet is your free ticket to limitless language practice! Take a few minutes each day to explore outstanding resources such as online newspapers, videos, and articles on whatever your passion is. Use your Spanish dictionary to help you decide a keyword to search.

You can also find free sites for Spanish instruction. Here's where you can get your grammar practice at your own pace. One excellent and free site is

5. Take it to the streets

You will be amazed at the connections that can come from a simple "Hola, Buenos das."

Seek out opportunities to connect with native Spanish speakers - every opportunity you get - every day! Maybe you have a relative who speaks Spanish, or a co-worker, or a neighbor, or maybe you're just sitting next to someone on the bus or subway and you realize that person speaks Spanish. Just smile and say a simple greeting in Spanish. You're likely to end up in a short and pleasant conversation; if not, at the very least, you've made a friendly gesture and will make someone smile.

Don't worry about being fluent. Just be open to communicating! After all, isn't that why you want to learn Spanish? And chances are, you will receive compliments and encouragement for your efforts.

And who knows, you might even end up in a conversation discussing the latest telenovela, Shakira's newest hit song, or an article you just read in Spanish. Bravo! You are on your way!

Ruth Kunstadter makes it easy to teach and learn Spanish by tapping into the incredible resources of U.S. Latino communities. Visit Ruth at to find more ways to inspire children to love languages!Stormy Blog63188
Silvana Blog63554

San Francisco Uses Weighed Student Formulas to Track School Needs

What Weighted Student Formulas Do

One of the primary features of the WSF is that it allows San Francisco Schools more flexibility than the previous system, called the staffing ratios model. Through staffing ratios, the central office basically directed school sites to spend the bulk of their resources in a particular way, through allocations of staff and a small supplies budget. This system gave schools little control over their financial resources. Under the WSF, each school site receives a budget denominated in dollars instead of positions and decides what staff and non-staff items to purchase with those dollars. Under this approach, each school has more room to design and use innovative instructional programs that match the specific characteristics and needs of its students, parents, and community. Central administration helps and monitors schools in a number of important ways, but it shares more decisions with principals and local school governance teams called School Site Councilsthe people who are most familiar with what their schools need.

Resources are also distributed based on the specific needs of each SFUSD student. We all know that different students have different educational needs, which often mean educational services with different price tags. A student with special education needs or a student who does not speak English requires more than a native speaker of English with no special education needs. Some schools enroll students from family backgrounds with lower incomes who on average start school at a disadvantage compared to students from middle class or affluent families. The new formula reflects these needs by channeling funds to specific student characteristics such as grade level, special education needs, needs of English Language Learners (ELLs), and socioeconomic status.

Finally, the WSF distributes basic education resources more consistently on a per-pupil basis across schools, and all stakeholders are better able to see and understand how resources are allocated and spent in each school. Did you know how much each student at each school received under the old budget system? Did you know whether or not one school received a higher share of public resources than others? The WSF makes the largest part of the Districts budget more transparent. The public can now see exactly why each school gets the resources it does and that the school is being treated like every other school in the District following a common set of principles.

What Do Schools Do

Schools added responsibilities primarily involve developing their budgets and school academic plans. Each schools principal and School Site Council discuss their schools needs, challenges, and priorities and build its budget accordingly for the upcoming school year. They determine the number of each type of staff they need as well as their non-staff requirements. During the year, schools can revisit their original decisions by requesting budget transfers. This requires ongoing evaluation of how the original plan is working out. In short, giving schools more flexibility means more responsibility. But these are responsibilities that will build dialogue and awareness among more members of each school community especially responsibilities to think creatively and in many cases to make different choices than the central administration may have made for them previously.

To make this initiative work, principals and site teams have needed training and technical assistance. School Site Council members have of course needed information on a number of questions about developing an academic achievement plan, financial management, how to include local teams in decision-making, or simply how to use the software to build their budgets. The District sees building the capacity of principals and School Site Councils as crucial to the successful implementation of a WSF and has offered training and vehicles for technical assistance through each step of the WSF process. Additional training and outreach to School Site Councils will continue to be provided and refined in the future.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on San Francisco schools visit Blog32586
Shandy Blog19166

Porsche Caymen S

If you are knew to the world of Porsche and haven't been keeping up with the Porsche changes the Porsche Caymen S is basically a Boxter with a hatchback and a steel coupe roof.

But wait there's a little more to it. The Cayman has a stiffer set of springs for the strut suspension, thicker anti-roll bars, and it comes standard with 18 inch wheels.

The Caymen uses the familiar 3.4 liter engine seen in the Porsche M96, Boxter, and 911. Of course it's been tweaked and now it delivers a whopping 295 HP and 255 pound foot of torque. The old Boxter version had only 280 HP and 236 lb-ft to offer.

From 0 to 60 is capable in 5.1 seconds you'll find your top speed at 171 MPH. That's all the speed you'll ever need. The PSM or Porsche Stability Management System is standard equipment on the Caymen. And the Sport Chrono package with built in lap time counter will be optional.

Another option is ceramic brakes. If you aren't familiar with ceramic brakes you should be. These brakes are half the weight of stand cast iron brakes. You get exceptional braking power, less heat fade, and low brake dust. They Cayman brakes are identical to the Boxter's with just a little more air cooling and ABS tweaking.

A look at the exterior and you will instantly know that the body is built off the Boxter platform. In fact many of the body panels are interchangeable. The rear windows are the same shape as the 911 if you were to turn them on end.

The Cayman has a rapidly sloping hatch that drops quickly and deeply and it is accented with a scripted Cayman S on the rear wing which deploys at speeds over 75 MPH.

The hatch is a nice light weight which rises with no effort presenting you with a nice size trunk that is a decent depth. It's very similar to the Boxter trunk.

And there was some smart design thinking here. An aluminum scuff plate covers the area from trunk up to the cargo shelf. There are also two narrow storage bins and there is plenty of useable floor space.

If you are familiar with the Boxter when you park yourself in the driver's seat you'll instantly feel like your back in the Boxter except that the instrument faces are gray and the cargo shelf is behind your head. So are you ready to take it for a cruise?

First thing you'll notice is that the Caymen fits both driver and passenger snuggly. You'll notice the night tight suspension and how the car hugs the road never missing a beat. It's impressively intuitive as long as you don't mess up.

The steering puts you in complete control with the blacktop and its responsible and sensitive to your every mood. Drive it neatly and it will never let you down. Know your car and how to drive and it will be hard to be outperformed.

First impressions are that the Cayman is as snug-fitting for the driver as it was for the passenger and that the mid-mounted engine makes life hard for the air-conditioning; the cabin serves up rump roast over frozen heart as a summer dish.

The chassis has been seriously beefed up and is more of a partner than ever before. Combine that with the Michelin tires that have amazing gripping you are going to have a ride like nothing you've experienced before.

The new Caymen is everything the 911 has always been and more. It's not only a great ride on the street it's also a great track ride. It sounds great, looks great, and performs great. But then after all it's a Porsche and would you accept anything less? If there were awards for best car this one would certainly be in the running.

If you haven't checked out the Porsche Caymen be sure you do!

Wayne Treister has been owned and ridden Porsches for 15 years. Visit his Porsche site at to learn more about the different models.Shaylynn Blog27423
Shirlee Blog86332

Florida Fun All-Year Round

Florida Fun all-year round

From January to December, there is always something exciting happening in Florida.

Orange Bowl (New Year's Day) Miami -
fans of college football flock to Miami for the big post season game.

Florida State Fair (mid-February) Tampa -
carnival rides, corn on the cob, big-name performers and even alligator wrestling
can be enjoyed at this big fair.

Silver Spurs Rodeo (mid February) Kissimmee -
the state's oldest and wildest rodeo.

Carnival Miami (second Sunday) -
a 9-day street party in Miami's Latin district.

Florida Strawberry Festival (March 2-12)-
performances, parades and of course strawberries, make for a tasty trip out.

America birthday party (July 4) Miami -
picnics during the day and fireworks at midnight in the biggest Independence
day celebration in South Florida.

Hemingway Day's Festival (July 18-24) Key West -
Key lime pie eating contests, street fairs and look-alikes in abundance.

Annual Wausau Possum Festival (first Saturday)
Wausau, north of Panama City Beach -
A festival that honours the possum with activities such as greased pole climing
and corn bread baking. Plus the chance to try possum-based dishes.

Guavaween (last Saturday) Tampa -
a zany Halloween parade that pokes fun at the life and history of the city.
Especially an early attempt to grow guavas in the area.

Winterfest Boat Parade (early December)
Fort Lauderdale -
boats decked with lights cruise the Intercoastal Waterway in a magical night-time display.

Tim Burton writes travel articles for the popular Orlando Villas Florida by Owner website at and Worldwide Villas by Owner website at To rent an Orlando villa near Disney, go to Blog195
Sigrid Blog6947

A New Age In Nursing Education: College Degrees Online

It can be difficult for anyone who works to obtain a college degree or to increase upon their current level of education. This can be especially difficult for those people who are pursing a degree in a nursing field. The attempt to juggle work, classes, family and clinical hours can be overwhelming and discouraging. Advances in technology have now made it a little easier to obtain your degree and reach your goals.

Numerous colleges now offer degrees online, including nursing degrees. The advantages of taking nursing courses over the internet are numerous. With online courses a student can continue to work while attending college, without having to adjust a work schedule around a class schedule. Students no longer have to commute to a campus only to waste more time searching for a place to park. No more paying for a parking permit to park on the campus that you are paying to attend. No more sitting in a classroom for hours each day only to listen to an instructor lecture on the topics that you have already read about. Imagine being able to log onto your class when its convenient for you. These are just a few benefits of obtaining your degree online.

Online nursing courses are not as difficult as one may think. Once classes begin the student will log into their internet classroom. Most college sites will have a list of courses that you are registered in. Clicking on the course name will take you to more information about that particular course. You can locate your syllabus, assignment schedule, contact info for your instructor and classmates, forums and chat rooms to talk to other students, and detailed instructions on how to submit assignments and complete your course. Help is always available from either the instructor or other classmates.

Online college students qualify for the same financial aid as the traditional campus based student. Federal Student Aid, State Student Aid, student loans, scholarships, and grants are all available for application. Federal and State Aid have financial requirements for qualification, but anyone, regardless of income or credit history, qualifies for student loans. Make sure you apply by the due dates for student aid so you dont miss any assistance you might qualify for.

People who are already working in the medical field as a nurses aid, LPN or RN who would like to increase their education and certification usually have even more advantages available to help them succeed. Many healthcare employers now provide tuition reimbursement and/or scholarships to employees who want to expand their education. If you cant afford to pay the tuition and await the reimbursement then consider a student loan than you can repay once you receive your tuition. Contact your human resource department to find out what is available. Another advantage is that many hospitals have set up study groups for online nursing students. This provides nursing students with the advantage of personal interaction with other nursing students of varying education.

To obtain a nursing degree, you may be required to complete clinical hours within a medical and/or hospital setting. You may wonder how you can do this if the college you are taking online courses through is across the country from where you reside. Your instructors will help you set up these clinical hours at a medical facility near your home.

The demand for nurses has risen dramatically and shortages in the nursing field continue to be a problem. With the advent of online nursing classes, more people are able to obtain their degree and provide much needed medical care to the people of your community.

Tabatha Evans is a registered nurse, and a staff writer for She has worked in the healthcare industry for several years, and continues to work while introducing others to a career in nursing. View more work by Tabatha, visit Blog97924
Staci Blog65892

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